Friday, April 19, 2013

Making progress! 100 Days!

The past week has been good fitness-wise. On Sunday did another 10km zoo trot with my mom. Was very tired as we were out late on Sat night because it was our last oppotrunity to hang out with Malcolm and Chantelle before they went back to Australia on Sunday. So didn't go too great, took 85 mins, but I wasn't stiff the next day and although it was hard while doing it, it didn't affect te rest of my day energy-wise. On Monday I went for a 2.5km run on the road as well, Wednesday gym, Thursday spinning and today gym again. And at the gym I could jog for 10 mins without any walking which I havent done since Oct last year. Also first spinning session since then, so that's good.

Tomorrow my mom and I are going shopping, will visit Fawn (my friend who got lungs early March and is having some complications) and then drinks for a friend's 30th birthday. So should be great weekend :-)

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